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Army of Light // current series

Army of Light is our most ambitious chapter yet! While investigating the very same evil principalities and powers listed in Daniel 9-12, Ephesians 6, Hebrews 11, and book of Jude - we also look at our own role as God's soldiers in His Army of Light. 


Although this combat can seem terrifying, challenging and even mind-bending, we must learn to stand our ground in the face of what seems to be certain death - while holding aloft our faith, light and love of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us. Otherwise, many will fall by the wayside, succumbing to their own fears and torments due to open doors of sin.


Are you on the winning side? Are you wearing the full Armor of God?  Do you know what prayers to utter and how to respond against this present darkness? Buckle Up Buttercup - we’re in for a bumpy ride! But, always remember - GOD WINS!


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Ready To Rumble
Tonight is a special night - as two seemingly polar opposites (the Radical Luciferian Left, represented by Kamala Harris) engage in an ultimate battle of wits against Republican challenger, Donald John Trump. The lives of all humanity hang in the balance of this titanic clash - between a mental midget and her accomplice corrupt media intelligence complex and a lone fighting underdog, Donald John Trump - who singlehandedly has fought off over 250 instances of unjust lawfare & assassinations. 
AIRED: 09.10.24
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Pandora's Box
Zeus directed that Pandora be given a jar (mistranslated later as a box during the Renaissance) with strict instructions that Pandora may never open it. Curiosity of course, one of her many divine gifts, eventually overcame Pandora, and she opened the jar, hoping that like Prometheus' gift of fire, which gave warriors a decisive edge in battle, that the secrets in the jar would be of a similar nature. Upon opening the jar, spirits of Disease, hardship, old age, death, pestilence, pain, grief, envy, pride. .
AIRED: 09.03.24
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Justice League
President Trump is going toe to toe against a hidden Deep State who aims to kill him. Tonight's show even reveals the truth behind the Butler PA assassination attempt. And worst of all, they aren't done shooting. As a follow-up to the last two shows, Killing Me Softly and Gaslight Part Two - Robert Kennedy, Jr. sent out a tweet immediately after former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard also abandoned the Democrat DEI plantation - and RFK, Jr. likened it to the creation of The Justice League.
AIRED: 08.27.24
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Killing Me Softly
Tonight we're going to explore the Democrat Plan to destroy the United States.  It isn't pretty. It isn't kind.  It isn't innocent. And they're being paid billions on the back end to finish off this country. The only problem they have is that President Trump is speaking the Truth and exposing their genocidal plan.  And if they can't bribe him, or lawfare him into poverty - if they can't keep him busy with a thousand brushfires of trouble and dismay - might they even go so far as to John Wilkes Booth him?
AIRED: 08.20.24
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2020 A Space Oddity, Part Two
Tonight, President Trump's first return to X, formerly Twitter, from which he was summarily ex-communicated by hidden intelligence officers embedded inside Twitter on January 9th, 2019 at 9:19AM EST when President Trump had 88.8 million followers with Elon Musk conducting the interview!. The gematria dive on this is extraordinary and points to time travel and artificial intelligence, and among the first acts Elon Musk took upon his return to Twitter, was to fire all the secret agents.
AIRED: 08.13.24
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Everybody Knows
Clay Clarke joins us tonight to talk about the confluence of events and developments on the socio-political-spiritual scene - and all I can say, there's a lot going on. What is meant by Everybody Knows? And what does it mean for those who don't? It's been a long, hard six years investigation and revelation. And for those of us now awake, we see what is coming before it gets here with perfect clarity - in fact, for the awakened, everybody knows before it happens.

AIRED: 08.06.24
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Man In The Middle
Those who stole power first did so through finance, and they are fearful of losing their dragon's grip on the wealth of the world's nations. The Rothschilds banking cartel controls 186 Central Banks around the world and they're now moving in for the kill, wrongly thinking they've got us cornered and with no hope at all. The game they are playing is called "man in the middle" - and it works on every level and scale imaginable in our current global banking system. 

AIRED: 07.31.24
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Romanced By The Stone
Tonight, we're joined by Rocky Malloy a one-time Central American soldier of fortune, or swashbuckling pirate, if you prefer - whom God visited and saved his soul with the most challenging acts of inverse piracies - taking back children from the bloody maw of the luciferian host. Rocky was romanced by the Truth of Jesus Christ, and employed his swashbuckling bravado to save our children from a fate worse than death! 
Rocky needs our help!
AIRED: 07.26.24
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MAGA Vance
On Monday, July 15th 2024, President Trump publicly announced his Vice Presidential pick for the 2024 Republican Presidential ticket. President Trump selected JD Vance, US Senator from Ohio. Vance's name had been leaked in the preceding weeks by O'Biden officials who apparently had access to President Trump's short list through the supposed to be secret vetting process, yet, Trump's selection was still somewhat of a surprise.

AIRED: 07.17.24
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Here For A Reason
Like Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent, we are here for a reason. We know through our study is that those who serve darkness are not creators.  They are destroyers. We can tell which side of the spiritual ledger we're on by examining our life's work. And the choices we make sum up to our ultimate separation. Will we join those who serve darkness or shall we serve God's Light - no matter the cost or consequence to ourselves?

AIRED: 07.12.24
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Never Forget
Tonight's show is about confronting the most difficult truths long hidden by the attacks of 9/11. Tonight's episode 888 means "Jesus" spelled out as (Iota), (Eta), (Sigma), (Omicron), (Upsilon), and (Sigma) and corresponds to Strong's G2424; meaning New Beginnings, Renewal and Infinite Abundance. On 9.11.2001, President Trump called into MSDNC as an eyewitness to the terrible events of that day. He spoke of renewal, rebuilding - and making things better than they have ever been before.
AIRED: 07.05.24
Open The Heavens - Let God Arise
Our dear friend Meri Crouley has gathered a collection of speakers willing to shine the light of truth, faith and love in the midst of the darkness! Be part of the new wave  of His Glory and join in as we help spread the word for this amazing event by Meri Crouley Ministries featuring powerful speakers, prayer and worship!

AIRED: 06.29.24
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The Greatest Show On Earth, pt 2
This is the second part called The Greatest Show On Earth.  Last time, reviewed the enemy's plan to destroy the USA through each of the five rings of power. Tonight, we're going to reveal how God is going to use what the enemy intended for evil and turn it around for Good. You see, the word "Show" - doesn't just mean a revealing television or theatrical production, as PT Barnum and Dan Rice supposed.  Show also means as Meri Crouley observed, the bloody sign that a birth is about to happen.
AIRED: 06.25.24
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Brand Management, Part Two
Tonight's news is flowing like a fire hose as Boeing's CEO tries to douse the flames of his corruption and connections to Hilldawg's suicide squad. A third Boeing whistleblower has apparently committed suicide - and this, between his closed doors Congressional Testimony - even after declaring he'd never commit suicide, no matter what. Further, evidence has surfaced that both the Clintons the Podesta's are apparently involved in the looting of Boeing Intellectual Property to communist China.
AIRED: 06.18.24
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Required of Us
We're living in troubled times and those causing the trouble are separating themselves from our midst so that all might see who they are ... and what god they serve. God asks little of man. He asks that we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly in fellowship with our God. But those who know not God, despise Godly requirements, and this isn't the first time the wicked have rebelled against God's requirements of us. Micah lived in Moresheth during the eigth century before Christ.
AIRED: 06.09.24
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Discern The Times
To defeat evil in our midst, we must first learn to tell who is good and who is evil. And in times like these, when the wicked wear false clothing of saints, discerning good from evil is a matter of spiritual life and death. According to 1 Corinthians 2, we receive wisdom from the Holy Spirit, who helps us understand spiritual truths others cannot see. Holy Spirit gives us the ability to discern what is hidden in people's hearts & is crucial because some pretend to be good who are not.
AIRED: 06.02.24
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Time To Build
Happy Memorial Day. None of our freedoms could be had without the dutiful sacrifice of our sons and daughters in service to our nation. 
Before any great work or construction can begin, monies must be saved and demolition of the wilderland must first clear a path for the great foundations to be lain down. Old, boggy swamps must first be drained - knarled and cankered tree stumps and fetid sewers must be cleansed so the new construction can stand the tests and tempests of time. 
AIRED: 05.26.24
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Tongues On Fire
Today is Pentecost - the anniversary of the coming of the Holy Spirit to dwell within us after Christ ascended unto Heaven. Tonight's show is inspired by the second book of Acts, when Jesus' first apostles were called upon to spread Jesus's Good News into a pagan world. And just as the apostles faced threats of persecution and death for their faith, so shall we in this modern day, as our government has been overthrown by wolves in sheep's clothing - those who pretend to be Christian.
AIRED: 05.19.24
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Biosafety Level Four, Pt 2
Clay Clark joins again tonight with an update, and we also investigate why it was that Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak allowed biosafety protocol for developing biological weapons (gain of function research) from the most stringent - to the least stringent protocol, and how this is likely the root cause for the 2021 pandemic which resulted, the coming plandemic is expected to release weaponize race-targetable Ebola.

AIRED: 05.10.24
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Contest For The Minds
Tonight we welcome Billy Falcon to join in discussion regarding the current spiritual war, global fascist control of our airwaves, internet and faith - as they've just written a law allowing foreign bodies to censor whatever part of the Holy Bible they deem most comfortable to their global takeover. Which reminds me of the power and potency of Ephesians 6: 10-18:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, ...
AIRED: 05.03.24
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Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard Oral Arguments over whether a President is allowed to speak freely, and, if political opponents may declare his public and private utterances crimes against the State. It is clear that some on the court support restricting a President - some even appear to support his assassination, just so long as his political opponents declare his candidacy for the top office a 'terrorist' event. It's all rigged against us & rigged in the favor of evil.
AIRED: 04.26.24
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Stinks To High Heaven
President Trump's Hush Money trial in New York began. It accuses President Trump of 34 felonies for his alleged bribery of Stormy Daniels to remain silent about a well documented non-existent relationship between she and Donald Trump. Just as this stormy case began, an Antifascist protestor lit himself on fire just outside the court house, and falsely declared himself a reddit QAnon, even though he was clearly a Bernie Sanders/Bill Clinton democrat according to detailed research on the topic.
AIRED: 04.19.24
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FISA, You'll Have Nothing & Like It!
FISA and Section 702 of the Reauthorization Bill, which funds warrantless surveillance, planting false evidence against American citizens while also secretly wiping out all our Constitutionally guaranteed Civil Rights, is an abomination to our Constitutional Republic. We should tell the traitors wielding this Constitutional blowtorch a paraphrase from Klaus Schwab's New World Order - 'FISA, you'll get nothing and like it!'  

AIRED: 04.12.24
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This Is Not A Drill
Tonight, we're joined by Clay Clark for an overview of where we're at in this Great Awakening - and if everything Clay suggests is appropriate happens, we're in for a real shocking development coincidental with the Solar Eclipse in just 3 short days! Secretary of State Anthony Blinken declared that Ukraine will become part of NATO. And as we covered 4 months ago, Russia's President Vladimir Putin declared that Ukraine becoming part of NATO would kick off World War III.
AIRED: 04.05.24
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The Key
Tonight, we're joined by SGAnon for a detailed review of where we are in The Great Awakening, how the Deep State's Agenda and mechanisms of murder are now being exposed, and how these are the key's to our being freed forever from their tyranny. Freedom requires constant vigilance, and the fearless confrontation of the wicked. An awakened public is the Deep State's biggest fear, and represent the very keys to our liberation and freedom.

AIRED: 03.29.24
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Brand Management
What's in a brand? We buy brands of cereal, brands of cigarettes, brands of car, brands of politicians. But, what if the brand being bought and sold isn't on the open market, but, a private brand being purchased by enemies who are executing Sun Tzu's masterwork? And what if the brand in question provides the economic engine to power US defenses, What if that militarily and commercial brand is being crashed to make way for a new knock-off brand that will determine the fortunes of all?
AIRED: 03.21.24
Equal Justice Under Law
This afternoon, the House Judiciary committee examined the lawfare practiced against President Trump and in favor of the O'Biden regime. Representative Tom McClintock from the 5th Congressional District from the Communist State of California summed it up perfectly: 'The foundation of our justice system is Equal Justice under law.  That's what gives the law respect and it's legitimacy.  And without it, the law is simply force, devoid of any moral authority.'
AIRED: 03.12.24
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Winning With Worship
Most Christians think of worship as something we do as we come together on Sunday morning. We've learned that worship helps us endure trials and empowers us to witness. However, did you know that worship aids us in spiritual warfare as well? The worship and praise of Almighty God gives us victory over the enemy. Every single time. Most of us want to take a spiritual bath - others want to see God stop their madness. 
Are we struggling in our spiritual walks? Do we feel our enemies are about to overcome us?
AIRED: 03.03.24
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The Book of Ruth, Part 2
The Book of Ruth is a manifold love story. Not only is it the love story between a man and a woman, but also a story of God's love conquering the evils of blood curses, carried on down from father to son, unto the 10th generation. It is a story of love healing the feudal conflict between Jew and Gentile - just as it is a story of our present age, where we struggle not against flesh and blood alone, but also against hidden principalities of darkness and parse apart the false narratives which hide occult sacrifice and unbridled evil.
AIRED: 02.25.24
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Hear My Voice
We must listen with all our intensity and capacity to God's still small voice - so that His Voice becomes the loudest sound in our universe - even as all hell is crashing all around us.  This is what tonight's show is all about!

AIRED: 02.18.24
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The Book of Ruth, Part 1
The Book of Ruth is a manifold love story. Not only is it the love story between a man and a woman, but also a story of God's love conquering the evils of blood curses, carried on down from father to son, unto the 10th generation. It is a story of love healing the feudal conflict between Jew and Gentile - just as it is a story of our present age. But also against hidden principalities of darkness - which are revealed when we study and parse apart the false narratives which hide occult sacrifice and unbridled evil
AIRED: 02.11.24
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Testing of Our Faith
Times are tough, so let's lean on scripture for our proper response to these manifold attacks. Through a spiritual lens, James 1 reveals both an ancient and immediate, as if stepping into a wardrobe that transports us to a realm where our trials and tribulations are not mere obstacles but intricately designed pathways crafted for each of us, by God Himself. God's intent is not to torture us, but to lead us to a more profound understanding, faith and ultimately, to the very heart of God.

AIRED: 02.04.24
More Than Conquerors
We are in the midst of a spiritual storm. God shall work through men and women who received his son, and His Power and Might shall be clearly more powerful than any false powers offered by the pretender to God's throne - With the Holy Spirit in our Hearts, and Christ's perfect sacrifice cleansing our error, God's power shall demonstrate to all that we have become More Than Conquerors of this fallen world - and that's that tonight's show is all about.

AIRED: 01.28.24
The March To Restore 
Exposing what has been done in darkness has been an arduous task. And now, the wicked seek to stand amidst the mayhem they caused, to tear down what God established for good. We must remain vigilant just as we must be aware of our own weaknesses and open doors. Ours is a Spiritual War - not merely a war of ideas. For what festers or blooms in the hearts of men, becomes manifest in their actions - and the trail of their labors becomes a tapestry of their allegiance. Learning to read it defeats them.
AIRED: 01.21.23
Night of Prayer for Trump & Nation 
Tonight we gather in prayer for our nation, as we re-broadcast an important evening of prayer! Come join us and stand in the gap for our nation with Amanda Grace and special guests through the simple yet powerful act of prayer. Your presence is essential as we come together in unity for this meaningful endeavor with Amanda Grace as she welcomes Eric and Lara Trump, Alina Habba, Robin Bullock, Donne Clement, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Clay Clark, and other special guests.

AIRED: 01.16.24
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Friend or Foe
As you know, these last 24 hours have been somewhat of an information whirlwind.  Jeffrey Epstein's client lists have started to be revealed & several accused perpetrators & co-conspirators testimonies have been published as well. More than a thousand pages of materials have been released & I can tell you, I don't like it.  Not one little bit.  What I don't like about it has nothing to do with the quality or quantity of information, the manner of it's release, or anything to do with Jeffrey Epstein's rape and cannibal club island.
AIRED: 01.05.24
Black Swan, Part One
For years, some have been busy hatching schemes and plans that would eventually be revealed to be an end-times event.  We have variously called those behind these schemes, evil. It is true that their plans are evil. They kill people and break things in society - even frame innocent other people, all to advance their hidden schemes. They lay eggs of doubt in our midst - tell us they are really like us chickens or sheep, when in fact, they are nothing of the kind. This is called a Black Swan Event.
AIRED: 12.29.23
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Great Awakening Tour, Day Two
Join us for this special 2-day multicast! Featuring Clay Clark, General Flynn, Doctor Cordie Williams, Anna Khait, Donne Clement Petruska, Cliff Gephart, Joel Gilbert, Mike Lindell, Seth Keshel, Dave Hodges, Marty Grisham, Alex Stein, Seth Holehouse, Charlie Carbone & Brett Raio, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Hannah Falknew, Nicole "Lady" Nogrady, Liz Crokin & more in Tulare, CA (Dec 15th & 16th)!!!

AIRED: 12.16.23
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Moving Mountains
Enemy insults & injuries have entered into our very doors, unlocked by the wicked, pried open by merchants of darkness - and now these terrors roam our streets in service to those who stole power. The question before heaven and Earth is - what will we do to move their mountains of falsehood and iniquity? Will we face it? Will we confront it? Do we have the faith in God and Country to stand up when all others shrink away in terror? Moving Mountains is evidence of our faith and learning how this is done is the purpose of tonight's show.
AIRED: 12.10.23
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Pillars of Light
Join us to explore the divine intersection between Hanukkah's Festival of Lights and the Christian revelation of God's Light. This thought-provoking show delves into the miraculous victory of the Maccabean Revolt and the endurance of the one-day supply of menorah oil, which kept the light burning for eight days! Join us to discover how this sacred blend speaks to our present struggles, offering a beacon of hope and a pathway to peace through the transformative power of Jesus, the eternal light. 
AIRED: 12.03.23
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Is Your Boat Ready
Our world swirls with uncertainty and trials, yet we are called to navigate our families and friends through these tumultuous times and turbulent waters with faith and resilience, much like Noah did in the face of the Great Flood.

Our theme tonight is "Is Your Boat Ready". This powerful metaphor, drawn from the heart of Genesis 6, resonates deeply with our current global landscape. Noah was warned of the impending deluge and prepared the Ark for salvation.  
AIRED: 11.26.23
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Free In Me
We're learning to distinguish truth from falsehood. The enemy has false stories that lead us into ambush and death. God speaks the truth which leads to freedom and life. Some mix portions of God's Truth out of context to justify their service to the devil & hide behind their bloodline to murder. Yet, Jesus warned us about this in John 8 verses 31-40 where he said, "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
AIRED: 11.19.23
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The Jig Is Up
Sometimes the truth hurts. The enemy seeks to divide us along racial, social, financial, sexual and cultural lines - and seeks to spread out our God-Given light into every more diffuse and diminished sub-sets - until we find ourselves alone in the darkness of the enemy's choosing.
On dark nights like this, when all seems lost, it helps to come together and pray: to speak God's peace and victory into the darkness - because God is listening - and God is light. God has been awake. The enemy has been exposed to the light and is doomed.
AIRED: 11.14.23
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Trump Rally In Hialeah, FL
The judges presiding over the four instances of Lawfare around the country are conspiring to politically persecute an innocent man as President Trump takes the stage to stand against their tyranny disguised as justice. The good news is, now we have the evidence - and disbarrment should be the least of their concerns!  Join us for this important Campaign Trail speech by an embattled and innocent man. Tonight's rally is taking place in Hialeah, Florida.

AIRED: 11.08.23
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What's Going Down
Tonight's show is part one of an expose I'm working on for a soon-to-be-published Substack - called ALL THE RESIDENTS MEN - how US government and intelligence officials are killing American citizens to genocide our citizenry and overthrow the country.  Tonight's part one considers the monetary reward for killing 330 million American citizens along with 30 million imported military-aged men coming to the aid of the Deep State. And here's the dirty little secret - they've already lost and we're gonna prove it.
AIRED: 11.03.23
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We See You
Godly men and women abhor violence and love peace. But when the wicked creep into our midst and insert spies into our midst, poison our people and troops with weapons of mass destruction, invite an enemy ghost army - a real army but hiding in our midst outside of uniform - take over our airwaves and command our ruin, we cannot abandon our post and hide in fear. We are commanded by God to stand - to rise above the fray  and point out those who serve darkness. We are to  bring out the Big Artillery - our spiritual prayers.
AIRED: 10.27.23