Keeping the Internet “On”
The reality is that it costs money to live, to eat, to sleep and to have internet. The adventure my family and I have embarked on is fraught with peril and challenges – not least of all financial.
I have put together a budget – what it will take to keep the lights on and internet flowing – so that I can devote all of my time to this very important work – the work of becoming a “GoodDog”
What follows is just one segment of the financial plan – that will allow this channel to grow – and to continue to provide content and analysis impossible to find elsewhere. God has told me this is the correct path – and, I ask your indulgence as I lay this out.
Goal Setting
For Buttercup and I to invest one full-time person to this endeavor – costs $5,000 per month, after taxes. This is with bare minimum requirements, no luxury items, no days off – bare essentials, kids, insurance, food, etc. To cover bare essentials, we have settled on three opportunities to pay our way – Publication, Patreon & our Q Bits Store. Today, we’ll limit our discussions to these funding systems – and I’ll indicate exactly what we need from listeners and contributors to make ends meet. These discussions begin under “Initial Goals” below.
On top of the bare essentials for life, I am an inventor & have developed and deployed a number of technical products nearly every American is familiar with – but, you never knew who received the inspiration to create them in the first place. As I contracted that inspirational work for others as part of my professional career – I am reluctant to just blurt out brand names – especially as inspiration was only a small PART of the Product Realization Chains in question. But God continues to lead me in this area – and it is my calling to continue to produce in this area.
To build these next generation products – and, to see them into production – items that will potentially save lives in times of trouble – costs money as well. For now, I will label these items “Stretch Goals” – for they are not currently essential for life. But, they will become so. And, modest investment will be required to launch them. The proceeds from these “Stretch Goals” will be open sourced – and the profits (in excess of personal needs) will be re-invested to launch ever more innovative things.
Getting back to the here and now:
For those who have joined Discord – you may notice a couple of things have happened since you requested to join our Q Bits server. First, each new member of our “Pack” has been assigned a specific role. The roles are broken down as follows:
Top Dog
Best In Show
Blue Ribbon
Red Ribbon
Pure Bred
Much thought has been put into the creation of these roles. You may notice that the vast majority have been given the role of Red Ribbon. A few others have been delegated Blue Ribbon or higher. These few I recognize as being fellow Patriots over the last 18 months of service, who continue to contribute advice or information or encouragement – and will likely become Moderators or Voice Talents should they desire to do those things going forward.
But there is a financial character to these roles as well. And, while your Patronage is NOT REQUIRED (you may become a Champion, for example, with no financial contribution at all – depending on your level contributions of time, advice, assistance and love of country) – but importantly - Patronage is also recognized as essential, too – so that we may pay our bills and devote time and resources to retrieving the Truth from within their mountains of lies.
Initial Goals
Should you feel compelled to contribute to this cause, here are some Initial Financial Goals we’ve penciled out (and, their corresponding access gates):
Table 1: Patreon Financial Goals (monthly)
Goal 1: Proof of Concept $250
Goal 2: Beta Testing - Hobby $500
Goal 3: Pilot Production – Stress Test $1,000
Goal 4: Mass Production – Supply Chain $2,500
Goal 5: Mass Production – Distribution $5,000
Goal 6: Mass Production – Innovation $8,000
Goal 7: Innovation (2 FULL TIME) $12,500
At the successful attainment of each Goal – a specific announcement will be made, recognizing the successful Goal Attainment – and a special production of “Thanks” will be released to each contributor towards the Goal in question. Ultimately, the objective is to pay for ourselves through performance, to upgrade equipment & personnel when time and conditions allow.
Sponsorship Goals
To make these Goals manageable – and to provide some incentive to participate, I’ve broken down the financial problem statement into what individual sponsors might do to assist in accomplishing our goals, and what these levels of patronage might purchase:
Table 2: Sponsorship Goals (monthly)
Recognition Level Commitment # Sponsors
Top Dog $1,000 1
Champion $100 10
Best In Show $50 20
Blue Ribbon $25 50
Red Ribbon $5 200
What Does Sponsorship Buy?
First and foremost – it allows Buttercup and I to continue the work we’ve begun. I don’t pretend to have all the answers – but, I know one thing – Globalist Media most certainly does not. We give them our patronage when we buy products and services advertised on their programs – and, if we continue to support those who sponsor our destruction – we will have, in fact, become the authors of our own destruction.
Supporting channels like this one – through Patronage and Purchase is as important, in my view, as being a good citizen. And, I too, support Patriotic Works of a variety of other channels. For me, it’s a civic duty.
In addition to the knowledge that your money is wisely invested in creating Good Content – wholesome and true – with a light salting of humor and kindness – your sponsorship also brings with it the following benefits:
Red Ribbon
Recognition of your sponsorship on every show
Discord Access & Voice Channel Chat (Dog Park)
Discord Invitation Privileges
Red Ribbon Library
Blue Ribbon
Recognition of your sponsorship on every show
Access To Sponsorship Reporting
Discord Access & Voice Channel Chat (Dog Show)
Discord Invitation Privileges
Blue Ribbon Library
Weekly Planning Meeting w/Good Dog [Fridays] + Past Planning Archives
Best In Show
Recognition of your sponsorship on every show
Access To Sponsorship Reporting
Discord Access & Voice Channel Chat (Best In Show)
Discord Invitation Privileges
Blue Ribbon Library
Weekly Planning Meeting w/Good Dog [Fridays] + Past Planning Archives
$10 off first $100 purchase in Store (limit one)
Recognition of your sponsorship on every show
Access To Sponsorship Reporting
Discord Access & Voice Channel Chat (Best In Show)
Discord Invitation Privileges
Blue Ribbon Library
Weekly Planning Meeting w/Good Dog [Fridays] + Past Planning Archives
$10 off first $100 purchase in Store (limit one)
2% off Store Purchases over $50
Signed First Edition: Merchants of Menace
Special Event Access
Top Dog
Recognition of your sponsorship on every show
Access To Sponsorship Reporting
Discord Access & Voice Channel Chat (Best In Show)
Discord Invitation Privileges
Discord Management Privileges
Blue Ribbon Library
Weekly Planning Meeting w/Good Dog [Fridays] + Past Planning Archives
$10 off first $100 purchase in Store (limit one)
5% off Store Purchases over $50
Signed First Editions: ALL.
Special Event Access
Table 3: Sponsorship Reporting - Monthly
Monthly Revenue
Sponsorship by Role Pledged # Sponsors Percent to Goal
Red Ribbon $- ### --.-%
Blue Ribbon $- ### --.-%
Best In Show $- ### --.-%
Champion $- ### --.-%
Top Dog $- ### --.-%
New Sponsors: ###
Note: I regard Sponsorship as a private matter between myself and those who sponsor Q Bits – just as I would any persons’ private purchasing behavior. This means that in no way are names, code names, references, pseudonyms or other specific references to ANY sponsor ever broadcast. Your choice is kept safe with US!
Why Broadcast It?
I believe it is crucial to have transparency – not only in what we make and how we make it – but, what goals we hope to achieve – our time frames and objectives – as well as communicating how our little bit helps the cause.
This way, we can make an informed decision on where to place our limited resources. It also allows us to remain in communication as to impact on topics covered – as well as to hold us accountable when there’s money on the line.
The enemy will not broadcast our successes. In fact, the enemy and his hirelings will go out of their way to mischaracterize, character-assassinate, denigrate, belittle, besmirch and terrorize Patriots this world over. Our only hope – is through coming together – to sponsor that which informs us – that which helps us – that which builds the community to which we belong.
We broadcast these successes – as a matter of duty – and as a matter of self-preservation. For if we don’t ask – we are guaranteed to fail. So, I’m asking.
Daily Reporting
As part of the conclusion to every show, starting Monday, June 10th 2019 – we shall begin to broadcast Sponsorship goals and performance by role.
Table 4: Sponsorship Reporting - Daily
Sponsorship by Role # Sponsors
Red Ribbon ###
Blue Ribbon ###
Best In Show ###
Champion ###
Top Dog ###
Total Sponsorship This Week: $###
Why Do This?
First, let me say, it remains my pleasure to dispassionately report what is happening – and, I would not do this at all if my heart wasn’t totally into this already. I’ve walked away from a mid-six-figures salary plus bonuses, healthcare and financial and material security to do what I’m doing now. For the past year, I’ve don this free of charge – with no expectation of compensation. Despite this, some have generously contributed anyways. And your contributions have made a profound difference already.
But this is not sustainable. It remains an unpleasant – but, nonetheless true statement of life that it takes money to live. Eating and sleeping and using power and internet all cost money – and absent any financial alternative, I would have to stop doing what I’m doing – and go get a paying job so we don’t starve.
So, the question is – do people desire a collaborative news gathering force – with international connections – and an inside knowledge of not only how to identify the problem – but, to root out the solution? This remains to be seen, I suppose, but I believe the answer is “Yes”. Thus, I’m revealing the details of the effort we’re now engaged in.